Experimenting with texture brushes and digital colouring. Lineart seems a bit too heavy in comparison to the colours, but damn those colours turned out nice.
I always loved the visual style of The Good The Bad And The Queen. I even bought their album because of the cover. (And because at the time I thought Paul Simonon was the coolest combination of a painter and a bass player ever. C'mon, he painted stuff like "Egg, bacon, frying pan".) In fact it's one of the two CDs I've bought during the last two years. My CD collection is ridiculously small since I always get everything from library or listen to music from Spotify.
A character from a project that I'm never going to even start. Radioactive zombies in steampunk Prypjat. (FINE, all it ever was was an excuse to draw zombies and steampunk stuff. And radioactive stuff.)