lauantai 24. joulukuuta 2011
Christmas is all around me.

keskiviikko 14. joulukuuta 2011

It doesn't feel like December. I only just got adjusted to it being November. Christmas is coming too soon and there's no snow outside. Nor inside. Although that's probably just a good thing. I like winter, why can't it be winter? It's SUPPOSED to be winter now!
keskiviikko 30. marraskuuta 2011
Bluesit päälle käy, voi tätä elämää.

Well maybe, but not for a while.
Well, in fact, I already did, but that's not the point.
Just shut up already.
I'll link you Pieksämäen asemalla blues, because I'm stuck at school and it's 00:33 and my bus isn't coming for a while. Sorry, if you don't speak Finnish, dear reader. You are missing a lot. Instead, have a poem from Charles Bukowski:
torstai 17. marraskuuta 2011
A man walks into a bar. Ouch.

Oh, i think it's my duty to follow the traditions of my blog and link you this. I like it a lot.
maanantai 17. lokakuuta 2011
Not yet Halloween.

I coloured a perfectly okay black&white picture just to be able to post it and call it new. Took me almost five minutes.
Really I just wanted an excuse to link you this. I think I'm in love.
She sounds like Nick Cave's mentally ill sister being possessed by evil spirits. It's a good thing.
keskiviikko 5. lokakuuta 2011

Also his flatmate is the coolest guy ever. EVER.
torstai 29. syyskuuta 2011
Almost forgot.

Let's celebrate it with some more school drawings and dead parrots.
That's all.
maanantai 26. syyskuuta 2011
sunnuntai 25. syyskuuta 2011
perjantai 23. syyskuuta 2011
As promised.

The two of my favourite plays from Martin McDonagh. In fact I think The Lieutenant is my favourite, The Pillowman comes as a close second and The Skull in Connemara is my third favourite.
And just because I can, some words of wisdom from another great man:
"With the truth so dull and depressing, the only working alternative is wild bursts of madness and filigree."
Hunter S. Thompson
tiistai 20. syyskuuta 2011
There's no gif for this feeling.
I have no drawings to post. I've spent last weeks going around telling people how there's nothing in the world that impresses me anymore. Going on and on about how everything is boring and nothing feels like anything and there's no point drawing if everything I can come up with is a blank piece of paper.
AND THEN I SAW AN AWESOME MOVIE. Sure, it was no In Bruges, but The Guard made me laugh aloud in the theatre and I've been smiling for several hours now. John Michael McDonagh, you win at life.
Martin and John should have more siblings. Can't wait for Seven Psychopaths. ALSO WHY HAVEN'T I STILL GOT MARTIN'S LATEST PLAY? I ordered that book over a year ago. I need it.
And Brendan Gleeson is damn awesome too.
Guess what - I'm gonna draw something now. It's going to be awesome too.
tiistai 13. syyskuuta 2011
Haha. Haa.

OH GOD, it should read "sweet dreams, my bear."
No, that's a stupid idea. I won't do it.
Y'know, I've found the greatest thing since Tukevasti Ilmassa! QI! A quiz show about quite interesting facts that may or may not be quite accurate (and you probably know the answer to many of the questions), but it is incredibly amusing, anyway. Besides they have guests like Jimmy Carr.
Talking about great stand-up comedians, you all should go and listen to Doug Stanhope's "From across the street". Or any of his gigs. There's even some on Spotify. He's very funny. Like the story about Subway breakfast. Ha ha haa.
Oh, is that the sound of my (only) four readers leaving me? What, you too, mom?! Well, I guess it's too late to stop now. Go on, have some Sean Keane. Gets better the more you watch it. Such a great stage personality!
And since I'm neck deep in shit already, let's finish this post with a classic.
Good night and see you in the morning.
perjantai 19. elokuuta 2011

Thank you, Internet. Thank you, Entervoid, And most of the all, THANK YOU ORION-THE-MUSE.
Sometimes, life just gives you THE FUCKING LEMONADE.
tiistai 14. kesäkuuta 2011
torstai 9. kesäkuuta 2011

Oh, hey, guess what guess what guess what?! Great news! Martin McDonagh is making a new movie! Christopher Walken in a McDonagh film, damn that's going to be awesome.
And Aki Kaurismäki made a new film too, CAN'T WAIT TO SEE IT. (Old news, I know. "Olds"?)
sunnuntai 3. huhtikuuta 2011
Cute little things.
Some drawings I was going to post in, what, January? Well anyway, here they are.
After the Koi-Koi I made for school last week (you can see pictures of it in my girlfriend's blog here) I'm incredibly fed up with things that are "cool", "trendy", "fashionable", or most of all "youthful" (whoa, I had to actually look that word up from a dictionary). Some people can pull it off nicely, sure. But it's just not my thing - I'm all into being immature and old-fashioned, thank you very much. I like monsters. And zombies. Dinosaurs. And repetition. And robots. And skeletons. And repetition.
So, here.

It's the guy with a mouth again! No wait, you haven't seen him before, have you? He first appeared last year in a poster I made for school...

But which one was first?!
I grew up watching my brother playing Monkey Island. I even have a small toy skull named Murray.
Drew this at Linnanmäki amusement park.
I don't think there's anything I can say to make this okay.
My brother wants to be a lakota. Can't blame him for that.
Edit: Almost forgot! My duty in this blog is to link you some bad music! So, it being Sunday 3rd of April, it's Fantômas' "04/03/05 Sunday" from the album Suspended Animation. Not Tom Waits this time, what is this?
maanantai 14. helmikuuta 2011
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